Friday, July 5, 2013

Early Results, 1 Mile

Results! So here are the early results. A lot of you forgot to put your name and age on your tags, shame/shame. So I have to go back and look-up who was who. But if you remember your race bib# or still have it, you can see where you finished. Also, if you are a kiddo that didn't get a medal, let me know. I have had a few left :-)

1 Mile

Time Bib# Last Name First Name Age M/F
6:23 40 Bolin Christopher 13 m
6:54 48 Bond Wade 11 m
7:25 56 Fugate Trevor
7:37 42 Wolf John 9 m
7:39 38
Sarah 11 f
7:39 31 Steele Brad 13 m
8:00 172 Cribbs Jamson 10 m
8:07 171 Cribbs Marissa 12 f
8:36 49 Flint Kayla 13 f
8:54 20 Sather Kayla 24 f
8:57 19 Ross Steven 28 m
8:58 50 Spendlove Berlyn 7 f
9:03 4 Dayton Carson 7 m
9:08 1 Dayton Mark 44 m
9:08 173 Cribbs Andrea 40 f
10:21 51 Spendlove Dresden 6 m
10:21 52 Spendlove Lauren 32 f
10:53 3 Dayton Troy 4 m
10:53 2 Dayton Jenny 36 f
11:07 32 Cobb Sydney 12 f
12:48 33 Buchanan Ava 7 f
12:50 6 Gressley Tyler 7 f
13:16 37 Wieland Olivia 4 f
13:16 30 Blackburn Mandy 33 f
13:18 46 Teramura Kenji 11 m
13:23 7 Gressley Sammy 5 f
13:31 8 Gressley Matty 8 f
14:11 5 Gressley Kylie 32 f
14:19 57 Chamberlain Jackson 3 m
16:15 15 Sather Sydney
16:15 29

16:42 34 Saari Gail
16:42 21 Herrera Mary 70 f
16:47 18 Sather Yvette 39 F
16:47 28

16:47 45 Tolman Donnovan m
16:47 43 Tolman Traycinn 1 m
16:47 13 Youngblood Jano 34 f
16:54 44 Lawson Wendi
17:49 9 Wieland Melissa
17:55 10 Barfield Hilary
19:07 23 Flerchinger Daniel 6 m
23:50 39 Achterman M

23:50 47

Early Results, 5K

Results! So here are the early results. A lot of you forgot to put your name and age on your tags, shame/shame. So I have to go back and look-up who was who. But if you remember your race bib# or still have it, you can see where you finished.


Time Bib# Last Name First Name Age M/F
17:00:80 131 Wiggins Nathan
17:45:80 157 Gettle Dave
22:34:50 119 Blackburn Jayson
23:42:50 91 Blackburn Gary
24:22:80 150 Page Travis
24:28:50 139 Belnap Brian 37 m
25:07:70 164 Tyces Lance 9 m
25:33:00 155 Paige Misty
25:40:80 130 Wiggins Rick 56 m
25:41:40 132 Wiggins Lisa 53 f
25:56:70 117 Boyle Mariah
26:13:90 145 Mizvta Gregg 52 m
26:36:90 134 Cobb Kelly
26:52:50 58 Sather Larry 43 m
27:05:80 146 Kameshige Janette 48 f
27:16:20 16 Sather Tyson 17 m
27:31:00 103 Sather Melissa 38 f
27:31:40 160

27:32:10 17 Sather Zayne 19 m
27:37:00 168 Hawkins Brooke 21 f
27:54:60 165 Trees Melissa
28:19:80 138 Anthony Barb 51 f
29:21:70 143

29:22:10 144

29:25:20 135

29:40:60 128

29:41:20 159

30:03:00 133 Cobb Madison 9 f
30:04:20 142

30:04:50 116 Adams Joey 27 m
30:09:10 108 Sorenson Brandy 28 F
30:56:80 141 Wagner E

31:17:50 102 Sather Jake 35 M
33:59:10 124 Dickerson Kyla
34:04:70 25 Blackburn Melissa 30 f
34:14:70 175 Estrada Savena 25 f
34:30:40 147 Tolman Joella
34:44:60 122 Snow Andrea 37 f
35:49:40 174 DzhiDzhiyeshvic Skyeller 20 F
36:03:30 112 Mooney Halsey 16 F
36:07:50 109 McFetridge Tessa 12 F
36:36:10 121 Barton Kelsi 25 F
36:39:70 156

37:34:80 55 Smith Darin 8 M
38:09:20 118 Blackburn Tyson 23 M
38:09:50 120 Erekson Eliza

38:16:80 176 Gilida Evin 13
38:18:40 177 Gilida Laynie 46
39:04:20 163 Trees Blake 9
39:16:80 149 Teramura Kami 40 F
39:42:90 148 Teramura Kayo 13 m
39:58:80 59 Moulton Katy

40:38:20 110 McFetridge Steve 51 m
40:58:90 127

42:05:40 111 Maag Patricia 57 f
42:09:00 140 Browen Drenda
45:59:70 166 Barton Susan 58 F
47:27:50 162

47:46:30 113 Moulton Jodn 48 F
47:46:60 158 Probert Jessi 22 f
47:47:00 115 Probert Sury 50 F
48:06:30 161

48:09:90 123

52:40:60 126

52:42:20 125

52:42:80 107 Murray Pat 62 F
52:43:30 104 Serran Anetta 44 F
52:58:70 54 Boyle Ruth 58 F
52:59:10 169 Schneider Lou 61
52:59:70 53 Flynn Meghan 24 F
53:42:80 167

53:49:90 105 lucero Kimberly 25 F
53:52:60 137

53:58:60 106 lucero Andrew 28 M
53:59:00 136

Early Results, 10K

Results! So here are the early results. A lot of you forgot to put your name and age on your tags, shame/shame. So I have to go back and look-up who was who. But if you remember your race bib# or still have it, you can see where you finished. I had 3 extra times for the 10K, so if your time looks off that could be why.

10k Times

Time Bib # Last Name First Name Age M/F
36:40:80 85 Craig Carey 19 m
37:24:70 97 Griffith Todd 36 m
38:22:20 100 Blackburn  Troy 30 m
39:44:10 94 Davis Ben 26 m
44:05:70 98 Bohman Haakan 24 m
45:17:60 81 Barfield Sam 24 m
46:16:20 88 Rayo David 20 m
46:16:20 170 Jargensen Timothy 38 m
46:32:10 83 Stice Cindy 41 f
47:08:70 75

48:13:20 41

48:26:20 87 Boyle Jim 56 m
49:34:20 80 Barfield Pat 61 m
49:37:20 96
49:37:40 84 Stice Rex 58 m
49:37:90 95

51:32:60 151 Depauw Peter 58 m
52:29:30 89 Flerchinger Bethany 30 f
52:29:50 153 Ross Amy 39 f
52:38:90 86 Bohman Logan 32 m
52:55:80 99 Jacobs Melissa
53:07:60 82 Wieland Kyle
53:09:10 152 Mattos Daphne 18 f
55:00:80 78 Mooney Stephanie 44 F
56:05:90 154 Murray Michelle
56:08:30 79 Elizinga Christy 29 F
57:12:60 92 Saunders Alena 18 F
57:50:80 76 Schmid Allen 56 M
59:57:80 93
1hr 6:60 77 Schmid Deborah 45 F
1hr30:10 36 Johnson Rachel
1hr 1:31:20 35 Aldred Becky


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Great Run Today!

A BIG Thanks to all the runners that made it out to run today!

I haven't gotten all the results inputed yet, so please check back tomorrow evening for full results.

In the craziness of today I didn't get any pictures taken, so if you took pictures please send them to me and I will post them.

I hope everyone had a great time. Any feedback is welcome on how you think the race went, email me
